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A History of the Earth’s Seawater

A History of the Earth’s Seawater

The origin of sea water is viewed in the context of the model of a slowly degassing Earth – an Earth which is more than likely being ...

Accounting for a Mobilistic Earth

Accounting for a Mobilistic Earth

Prejudices, for one reason or another, frequently complicate a straight-forward interpretation of data. Besides, observations are ...

Coming to grips with the World of Science

Coming to grips with the World of Science

"The fact that science is also a human activity with all its “binding factors” – including the complex web of social, cultural and ...

Geoscientific Urban Legends

Geoscientific Urban Legends

DISCUSSION “[A well-trained rationalist] will obey the mental image of his master, he will conform to the standards of argumentation he

Global Wrench Tectonics and The Phanerozoic Earth

Global Wrench Tectonics and The Phanerozoic Earth

Fluid-enforced eclogitization and associated sub-crustal gravity-driven delamination of the felsic crust, giving rise to isostatic ...

Global Wrench Tectonics and The Precambrian Earth

Global Wrench Tectonics and The Precambrian Earth

In reconsidering the planet’s origin there are ample reasons for ignoring the classical planetesimal scenario; it seems much more ...

Habitual thinking, scholarly freedom and liberal education

Habitual thinking, scholarly freedom and liberal education

The essence of the conceptual problem seems to be that openness about the factual problems and even consideration of alternative ...

Kritikk av lærebøkenes feilinformasjon om jorden

Kritikk av lærebøkenes feilinformasjon om jorden

Læreplanen i geografi (studieforberedende) fremhever at undervisningen skal være motiverende og stimulerende og ...medvirke til ...

Når jorden skjelver

Når jorden skjelver

Jordskjelvkatastrofen i Italia 6 april 2009 minnet oss på nytt om de sterke latente krefter i jordens indre. Men hva denne energien ...

Polar Wander and The Global Tectonics

Polar Wander and The Global Tectonics

Evidence suggests that processes at the outer core and/or D” layer release energy and buoyant masses that lead to formation of the ...

Sedimentary basins, hydrocarbons, graphite, coal, and Cu-Au deposits – from Mongolia to the Pacific margin: Interplay between the ubiquitous orthogonal fracture network and Global Wrench Tectonics

Sedimentary basins, hydrocarbons, graphite, coal, and Cu-Au deposits – from Mongolia to the Pacific margin: Interplay between the ubiquitous orthogonal fracture network and Global Wrench Tectonics

Abstract Mongolia is exceptionally rich in coal and copper-gold resources – with world-class deposits like Tavan Tolgoi, Oyu ...

Tectonic evolution of a sequence of related late Permian transtensive coal-bearingsub-basins, Mongolia: A global wrench tectonics portrait

Tectonic evolution of a sequence of related late Permian transtensive coal-bearingsub-basins, Mongolia: A global wrench tectonics portrait

During the late Permian in Mongolia, inertia-driven transtensive reactivation of primordial fracture zones gave rise to the development

The Theory: Global Wrench Tectonics

The Theory: Global Wrench Tectonics

"In fact, it looks as if the Earth is in a state of chemical disequilibrium. Degassing of the core and lower mantle is apparently ...